Day 3 of Shocktober 2011 brings us to Wednesday, and Wednesday this year means Retro Horrors! Think of this as a "greatest hits" style of posts that give our newer readers a peak back into some of my favorite horror content we've ever put out on the blog. Following this week's theme of "Props" today's post mirrors Monday's gaming fodder post in discussing some more ways to utilize props in game. Today's retro post focuses on setting a feeling for a game. Hope you enjoy!
Setting the Mood - Doing Horror Right
No, not THAT mood. Playing horror games is all about the atmosphere to me. The right GM and roleplaying can create atmosphere even in the busy environment of a Con. Here are some tips, tricks and items you can use to help with your next horror game. Some of these I even use in horror board games like Arkham Horror, Last Night on Earth and Betrayal at House on the Hill.
At Halloween I was always afraid of the houses that played creepy music, so my first focus on creating atmosphere was to find some appropriate music. The right music can really help set the tone of a game. Sometimes I want games where the focus is more serious and music can really help with this goal. Midnight Syndicate is my go to music choice. I bought my first Midnight CD on ebay pretty cheap, but have made it a priority to buy CDs from them in person at GenCon. These purchases are worth paying a little more since it helps fund new CDs. I have three of their fine discs so far and will continue to buy more. Of course, now I am the one playing this creepy music when the kids come trick or treating at my house.
Sometimes dim lighting is the best for horror games. Sometimes I use complete dark except for small, battery operated tea lights so that players can only see their sheets and maybe each other. (Flashlights can also work for this effect). If I am playing Cthulhu in the 1920s, I have a few lanterns that can be very useful. I don't use candles since most gaming materials are flammable, but I could see putting some on shelves or countertops near the table.
Tons of pictures are available on the internet that can be easily introduced into games. If you have a type of monster, simply search for it and grab the best picture. I also make sure to only show the monster to those people with characters that actually see it. Often the unknown combined with player reactions can add to the mood better than actually seeing the monster/beast.
The environment can work against the characters confidence. Is it cold, raining, humid, oppressively dark? Bring the environment up often. The rain keeps pelting at the characters' faces, soaking their clothes and perhaps slowing them down. Sight is reduced to only a few yards when suddenly the intensity increases and pieces of hail start pelting the characters. A dark, unidentified shape looms in the distance. Maybe it is a red herring janitor or maybe it is the big bad. Try not to use red herrings too often, but a fake scare can be very useful. Next time or next game the characters may assume a fake when the real monster presents itself.
Check out your favorite horror movies or stories for some good descriptive tools. Personally, I like Silent Hill (movie or video game) for atmospheric horror. The cell phone (movie) or radio (game) that increases static when something bad is about to happen really amps up the horror factor. You can get a small radio and find a static station before hand to add noise at certain times when horror will show up.
Other props
Is there a chest that the characters will be forced to confront containing some secret book, snakes or skull? This time of year is great for finding inexpensive horror props. Use a small chest and really up the description before it is opened. Add some fake spider webs or blood and warn about the chest. Maybe even have something pop out at the players like the old peanut brittle in a can gag. Items like these props can add a different kind of anticipatory fear to a game.
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