Monday, July 12, 2010

Hopeless Gamer Lite: Pulp City!

Here's a quick entry for today: help me decide which Pulp City figures to buy! Pulp City is a Supers mini's skirmish games with practically no buy-in/entry fee. The rulebook is available online on their website, and all you have to do is buy the mini's. TheBro and I demo'd this two years ago at Gencon. While it was a lot of fun, we just weren't really ready to invest in yet another mini's game. Since then we've focused on RPG's and board games. With our recent love of Supers games unfolding, the time is nigh for us to give Pulp City another look!
Last week, I found out that TheBro bought this as his starter to the game: the heroic duo C.O.R.E. & Nuclear Jones -

Seeing as how he bought a hero pack, it's my turn to play the bad guys. Sure I could also choose heroes, but the only real limiting factor in the game is that you can't play heroes and villians in the same "army." As a result, I'm going to open up the field a bit and start out on the villain side of things. Here's the hard part: there are two starters that I like that are both evenly matched to TheBro's heroic team:

Rook & Francis Gator -


Seabolt & Boreas

I like all four mini's (and will likely pick up both sets eventually) but am having a tough time deciding where to start. Of course if you actually have experience playing Pulp City, strategy discussion is very welcomed, but for the most part I'm trying to go purely for aesthetic and badass factor.

Course I could always throw a curve ball and choose Tangent & Sister Bedlam -

But their description makes them sound like a good second or third purchase as more specialized figures. You decide! (not really, but arguments are welcomed!)

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