Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Gencon Day Minus One!

So we made it to Indy and got all our event tickets and auction items entered in record time! It's been a great start for us this year, and I'm already full from our first real Con meal at the Ram.

I'm sitting in my hotel room right now doing the normal Wednesday night routine of looking through the convention catalog to see what's new this year. Honestly, not a lot is.

But that is not a bad thing. I've been coming to Gencon for over 15 years, and really one thing I've discovered is that it's a bit of a homecoming each year. I'm very comfortable knowing what to expect from the experience, and there is something really nice about that.

I'm already anticipating some of my favorite annual events like the first walk through the exhibitors hall, an annual game of Dread and Call of Cthulhu, and the Saturday night charity auction.

At the same time, I'm very excited for a brand new experience this year. I've finally got a painted Warmachine army and am really looking forward to getting trounced and learning how to be better by playing in the Iron Arena.

It should be a great couple days!

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